Angelo's Projects

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ThingsMyKidsDo application

TMKD logo

For this project, I was tasked with the development of a prototype application that adapted the ThingsMyKidsDo website, now, to work with mobile devices. During this project, I lead a team of full-stack engineer students, utilizing the Agile development method to manage our project lifecycle. Front-end development was done in React Native and Express.js was used for the back-end and deployed on AWS EC2 and Heroku.
Project was managed using an Agile environment, utilizing sprints, daily stand-ups, client demos, and using Github to manage the codebase.

TMKD test image 1
TMKD test image 2

SARTech Search and Rescue Application

SARTech logo

For this project, I joined a team of student mobile developers to create a prototype application for Search and Rescue Technologies (SARTech) that would help search and rescue teams in the field be able to identify different aspects of an environment to collect data and determine what areas of a search operation are most likely to have the target of the operation.
This application utilized SARTech's environment search algorithm to take key aspects of live video feed, categorize them, and display those categories on the live video feed.
My task on this team was to build the navigation of the app, from camera feed to settings, and allow the user to change the settings of the application.
The languages used for this application were:

SARTech App Repo
SARTech test image 2
SARTech test image 3
SARTech test image 4